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High Power Electronic Crimper & Decapper

The High Power Electronic (HPS) Crimping Tool with new OLED screen display is faster and more powerful than the electronic battery crimping tool. The HPS crimping tool is designed to store separate programs for different caps and seals. It is powered by a universal power supply and uses interchangeable jaw sets. Jaw sets are strong enough to crimp all steel and magnetic caps.

  • High-Power version of electronic crimping tool with fixed power supply and cord (no battery).
  • Uses interchangeable jaw sets.
  • Stores separate programs for different caps and seals.
  • Strong enough for all steel and magnetic caps.
  • Optional base with mounting kit.
BGB High Power Electronic Crimping Tool Operation Guide BGB High Power Electronic Crimping Tool Quick Start Guide

Part Number



Qty / Buy

297060 HPS High Power Electronic Crimping Tool Model 6 (w/o Jaw Set), ea. $ 1783.00
295061 HPS Base with Mounting Kit, ea. $ 272.00
295062 HPS Jaw Set, Crimper 8mm, ea. $ 422.00
295063 HPS Jaw Set, Crimper 11mm, ea. $ 422.00
295064 HPS Jaw Set, Crimper 13mm, ea. $ 422.00
295065 HPS Jaw Set, Crimper 13mm Flip Off, ea. $ 422.00
295066 HPS Jaw Set, Crimper 20mm, ea. $ 422.00
295067 HPS Jaw Set, Crimper 20mm Flip Off, ea. $ 422.00
295068 HPS Jaw Set, Decapper 11mm, ea. $ 422.00
295069 HPS Jaw Set, Decapper 13mm, ea. $ 422.00
295070 HPS Jaw Set, Decapper 20mm, ea. $ 422.00
Easy Grip Manual Crimper & Decapper Electronic Crimper & Decapper
Easy Grip Manual Crimper & Decapper Electronic Crimper & Decapper

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