SampliQ C18EC

Reversed phase sorbents are non-polar, and will be used to retain (extract) non- polar analytes. For reversed phase sorbents, retention decreases as the solvent becomes more non-polar

SampliQ C18EC products are based on bonded, endcapped, reversed-phase octadecylsilane (ODS) silica gel particles. The non-polar sorbent is endcapped (EC), reducing polar secondary interactions associated with surface silanol groups. Non-polar analytes should be more strongly retained compared with non-endcapped SampliQ C18 products. SampliQ C18EC has a 25% carbon loading.

Figure: Structure of C18 silane and trimethyl silyl endcapping group, covalently bonded to the surface of a silica particle

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Part Number



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AT-5982-1311 SampliQ C18EC, 100mg, 1ml, pk.100 price on request
AT-5982-1332 SampliQ C18EC, 200mg, 3ml, pk.50 price on request
AT-5982-1335 SampliQ C18EC, 500mg, 3ml, pk.50 price on request
AT-5982-1365 SampliQ C18EC, 500mg, 6ml, pk.30 price on request
AT-5982-1360 SampliQ C18EC, 1000mg, 6ml, pk.30 price on request