Revive In-Line Sample Preparation (ILSP)

In-line sample preparation (ILSP) provides automated sample cleanup capabilities that are intended to replace time-consuming, manual processes, such as QuEChERS or SPE. When installed in an instrument configured for two-dimensional LC applications, a Restek Revive ILSP cartridge retains coextracted matrix components, which are subsequently removed by backflushing the cartridge with a wash solvent. Backflushing occurs during analysis, so the ILSP cartridge is ready to clean up a new sample before it is time for the next injection, creating a highly efficient workflow that can dramatically increase sample throughput. Revive ILSP cleanup is very effective and can be paired with a simple solid-liquid extraction to save time and money. This article details a simple procedure for in-line sample preparation method development so labs can realize the benefits of this powerful technique.

To use the ILSP approach, you will need an HPLC equipped with a binary or quaternary pump, an autosampler capable of internal needle washing, a column compartment, and a detector.

Restek Revive ILSP Method Development Restek Revive ILSP Multiresidue Pesticides in Food

Part Number



Qty / Buy

RT-27882 Revive ILSP Holder + Revive ILSP Pesticides Single 5 x 2.1mm Cartridge, ea. price on request
RT-27880 Revive ILSP Holder Inline Sample Prep Holder For 5mm Cartridge, ea. price on request
RT-27883 Revive ILSP Pesticides 5 x 2.1mm Cartridge, pk.3 price on request
RT-27881 Revive ILSP Pesticides Single 5 x 2.1mm Cartridge, ea. price on request