
The nebulizer is one of the most important components in a flame AA spectrometer - Sample solutions, with differing physical properties, must be converted into an aerosol of small, similarly-sized droplets. This places great demands on the design of the nebulizer. All PerkinElmer nebulizer assemblies are adjustable for optimized performance and include easily-interchanged capillary assemblies for simple, reduced-cost maintenance. PerkinElmer nebulizers are manufactured to exacting tolerances to provide maximum sensitivity. Universal, or, ‘standard’ nebulizers are less expensive than the corresponding high-sensitivity nebulizers and provide a lower level of sensitivity. The universal, or, ‘standard’ nebulizers typically provide better precision and reduced ‘carryover’ interference when used with solutions that contain high dissolved solids content of higher analyte concentrations.

AAnalyst Plastic Body Nebulizer AAnalyst Plastic Body Nebulizer with Pt-Ir Capillary AAnalyst Stainless Steel Nebulizer
AAnalyst Plastic Body Nebulizer AAnalyst Plastic Body Nebulizer with Pt-Ir Capillary AAnalyst Stainless Steel Nebulizer
PinAAcle Plastic Body High-Sensitivity Nebulizer PinAAcle Stainless Steel Nebulizer Universal GemTip Nebulizer
PinAAcle Plastic Body High-Sensitivity Nebulizer PinAAcle Stainless Steel Nebulizer Universal GemTip Nebulizer