PerkinElmer Atomax 1.5 in. hollow cathode lamps are crafted to the same high standards that have made PerkinElmer 2 in. Lumina™ hollow cathode lamps the best in the industry. Drawing on more than 40 years of HCL design and manufacturing expertise, Atomax lamps now offer laboratories around the world a dependable, top-quality lighting source, regardless of the brand of AA instruments used manufacturing of our lamps avoid spectral interference. PerkinElmer 2-pin non-coded Atomax lamps are designed to fit most commercially available atomic absorption instruments including Agilent®, Thermo®, Shimadzu®, GBC®, Analytic Jena®, Hitachi® and many more. Combining affordability and industrywide compatibility allows users of other brands of AAs to benefit from PerkinElmer’s proven lamp performance. Each lamp is thoroughly tested to ensure that it will stand up to the most demanding requirements. Atomax lamps represent an exceptional value and our money-back guarantee means you can order with complete confidence. All 1.5 in. Atomax hollow cathode lamps are thoroughly tested to ensure maximum light output and spectral purity. Comparative results show that Atomax lamps provide equal or better performance than other AA lamps in the market. Precision engineered for high sensitivity, stable light output, low noise, and long life, you can rely on Atomax lamps for the accurate results you need.