Microvolume Thermal Conductivity Detector (TCD-3)

VICI TCD-3 is a dual filament, stand-alone thermal conductivity detector consisting of the detector housing and separate controller. However, the analog controls of the TCD-2 are replaced with full digital control implemented via a user interface or command console commands. Thermal stability is maintained in the detector to within 0.010°C, producing a stable, low-noise signal.

The TCD-3 controller generates an independent analog output signal for each of the detector filaments. In additional, a referenced analog output signal is generated by subtracting the output signal of one filament channel from the other. Each of these three output signals is provided in two full-scale spans: a ±1 volt scale and a ±10 volt scale.

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Part Number



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VV-TCD3-NIFE-110 TCD3 detector with controller price on request
VV-TCD3-NIFE-220 TCD3 detector with controller Nickel-Iron filaments, 220Vac price on request
VV-TCD3-WRE-220 TCD3 detector with controller Tungsten-Rhenium filaments, 220Vac price on request
VV-TCD3-C-110 VICI TCD3 Controller 110Vac, ea. price on request
VV-TCD3-C-220 VICI TCD3 Controller 220Vac, ea. price on request
VV-TCD3-WRE-110 VICI TCD3 Detector with Controller Tungsten-Rhenium filaments, 110Vac, ea. price on request