Restek MXT-20 Columns

Low- to midpolarity phase; Crossbond diphenyl dimethyl polysiloxane

  • General-purpose columns for volatile compounds, flavor compounds, and alcoholic beverages.
  • Temperature range: -20 °C to 340 °C.
  • Equivalent to USP G28, G32 phases.

MXT-20 polymer is synthesized to exacting standards. All residual catalysts and low molecular weight fragments are removed from the polymer, providing a tight monomodal distribution and extremely low bleed.

Part Number



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RT-70320 MXT-20, 15m x 0.25mm ID, 0.25µm film, ea. price on request
RT-70355 MXT-20, 30m x 0.53mm ID, 1.00µm film, ea. price on request