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MonoCap Amide Series

Amide groups are chemically bonded to the monolithic silica and makes it suitable for the analysis of sugars via HILIC mode. As the back pressure is signifi cantly low, a 500 mm length MonoCap Amide column deliver over 40,000 plates offering high effi ciency. Generally, HILIC mode uses acetonitrile at a concentration between 65-95 % in an aqueous buffer such as ammonium acetate or ammonium formate, which have high solubility in organic solvents. Columns are protected by either metal or PEEK hardwares.

GL Sciences’ MonoCap series, created synthetically via sol-gel method, and an octadecyl silane chemically bonded, has a very uniform three dimensional structure that shows excellent reproducibility from batch-tobatch.

The solid structure of GL Sciences’ monolithic silica eliminates the need for frits or filters at the ends of the column, thereby reducing dead volume that might otherwise lead to band broadening or sample recovery. The high porosity of our monolithic silica allows high flow rates to be used without loss of resolutionor creation of high operating pressure. An optimized balance of throughpores and mesopores provides the critically importantcombination of efficiency, separation speed, large volume sample-loading, and small volume

MonoCap Brochure

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