HyPURITY Cyano 180Å Series

The HyPURITY family,launched in 1995, has established newstandards in column characterizationand validation. The quality assuranceprogram has a variety of highly diagnostic chromatographic tests for the inves-tigation of both primary and secondaryinteractions, ensuring exceptional col-umn-to-column and batch-to-batch re-producibility. The range of stationaryphases bonded to the HyPURITY silicaincludes C18, C8, C4, Cyano and the unique ADVANCE and AQUASTAR phase.

Part Number



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TF-22805-154630 HyPURITY Cyano 180Å 5µm, 4.6 x 150mm, ea. price on request
TF-22805-254630 HyPURITY Cyano 180Å 5µm, 4.6 x 250mm, ea. price on request