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Bondesil C18 EWP (Trifunctional)

Bulk Material - Bondesil C18 EWP

  • No exclusion of large molecules
  • Good for desalting proteins
  • Successful separation of proteins, peptides or nucleotides

Bond Elut C18 EWP is based on standard particle size silica but with 500Å pores to allow more efficient extraction of large molecules (>15,000 MW), which are typically excluded from standard porosity silica phases.

Carbon Loading: 6.0%

Surface Area: 80m2/g

Pore Size: 500Å

Application: Aqueous samples, biological fluids

Bondesil C18 EWP Bulk Sorbent, 40µm, 500g
Part Number: AT-12213063
price on request

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