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Agilent Prep-SIL 100Å - 5µm

Agilent Prep LC Columns are designed for high loadability to purify milligram to gram quantities of products. Column dimensions are available for most preparative sample types ranging from high throughput samples generated in drug discovery to lab scale prep and up to some pilot scale sample preparation. Preparative sized columns are available in 21.2, 30 and 50mm internal diameters with lengths ranging from 50–250mm. Columns are available in 5µm and 10µm particle sizes with very high efficiency in every dimension.

  • High loadability for maximum sample purification
  • Easy scalability from 4.6mm id to 50mm id for rapid method development
  • High Throughput 21.2mm id cartridges for fast purification
  • Exceptional column stability up to pH 10

Agilent Prep LC Brochure

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