Fused Silica Tubing
Safety Products
BGB offers 3 different types of deactivated tubing for many applications in Gas Chromatography, Liquide Chromatography, Mass Spectrometry and Capillary Electrophoresis. Best inertness shows the standard phenyl/methyl deactivation. This is the best choice for the most common solvents. For solvents with traces of water the OV-1701-OH deactivation should be used. This deactivation is more stable against water or water containing solvents, but is less inert than a phenyl/methyl or methyl deactivation. Each tubing is tested with a Grob-Test for best inertness. In contrast to other manufacturers we do check the complete batch and not only some meters of the batch.
We recommend PressFit Connectors to connect the tubing: PressFit Connectors and Splitters